Managed Office Spaces in India

Co-working spaces are providing a new way to work, putting an end to the cubicle life. Workplaces are changing, primarily to meet the new demands of the way millennials approach work in the youngest start-up nation of the world. Traditional approaches to work have been hampered by a vacillating method of working. The demand for coworking space is on the rise as businesses today prioritise the customer experience, digital innovation, continuous improvement, operational excellence, and financial management. Co-working spaces are generating a community of passionate, cooperative people who are gathering, creating, building, and sharing their ideas and discoveries with the world. They serve as an oasis from the typical workplace and job routine.

The co-working facility is currently growing. Mr Narayan Bhargava who is CA by profession understood the complexity of the estate industry, as he had few bad experience working earlier while travelling. He discovered that from locating an office space to operating it, there were several inefficiencies that were costing organisations money, time, and manpower while diverting a lot of attention from their core businesses; as a result, something adaptable and flexible was needed. With a motive to run the office space as an outsourced service and to take over from the traditional ways to modern, Mr Bhargava with his team created the brand MyBranch, an office space solution a kick-start point for businesses.

MyBranch, India’s top managed office space and customized private office provider, is a pioneer in the field of office space solutions and is well known for developing ad hoc workplaces for big corporate names, emerging startups, and small businesses. MyBranch’s office spaces are fully managed and designed to meet the demand for shared flexible plug-and-work locations.

The idea of managed office spaces for rent, which has successfully and drastically changed workspaces around the world, is swiftly gaining traction in India. The idea of managed office spaces, which was first made popular by start-ups, has successfully expanded into a successful real estate business for its owners and has become an important component of strategy for its occupiers. In the near future, these workspaces are anticipated to quadruple each year.

As India’s gig economy gains traction, millennials—who make up 45% of the country’s work force—will increasingly have an impact on the workplace culture. India has been ranked as having the third-largest start-up ecosystem after China and the US with over 5200 start-ups. Start-ups will therefore continue to occupy desks in the shared workspaces. Additionally, businesses are choosing these coworking spaces due to their flexibility and the simplicity with which offices may be set up without facing any administrative challenges.

Rising factor for the managed workspaces

By late 2022, more than 16 million seats and approximately 9 million square feet of space would be needed, according to developers, who anticipate a large demand for coworking spaces. The following are the primary elements fuelling the expansion of managed workspaces:

  • Flexibility in work settings: Managed office spaces give employees the flexibility they need to work wherever they are without needing a personal workstation of their own, with various settings catered to different workstyles. Large corporations favour choosing flexible desks for their sales and branch sites since they require less capital expenditure and encourage more teamwork and efficiency. Additionally, cabins and cubicles, adaptable workstations, spaced-out seating that complies with safety requirements, including beanbags and couches, all contribute to creating an enjoyable experience for staff members of the organisation.
  • Networking opportunities: Utilizing managed workspaces gives access to like-minded individuals with whom teams may collaborate and develop their business’s great ideas, rather of just taking up space. Managed workspaces provide the perfect setting for effective meetings thanks to their cutting-edge technology and adaptable working circumstances. Teams can work together in these settings to generate creative ideas.
  • Attracts new talent: The shared workspace culture is unique, innovative, and very dissimilar different from a traditional office environment. Start-ups are modern businesses that cannot expand and function in solitary circumstances. They require a setting that encourages innovative and teamwork. Additionally, the shared workplace environments’ aesthetics and lively ambiance draw in and nurture original talent. The shared office spaces become a hub for businesses to acquire new talent as professionals and seasoned workers from various backgrounds converge there.
  • Preferred by the younger workforce: With at least 72% of founders under the age of 35, India has emerged as the youngest startup nation. As a result, millennials are an important demographic because they make up 50% of the globalised workforce and almost half of all Indians. They choose to work in shared or coworking environments because they are exposed to more job options, can network freely, and can connect with the community without being constrained by corporate limits. The popularity of managed workplaces will increase as the best talent breeds there because of how cool their offices are.

In India’s business hubs, managed office spaces near me have just started the journey. High office rents are forcing businesses of all sizes to reconsider their real estate strategies and switch to these modern offices instead of commercial facilities. The size, scope, and scale of managed office spaces will increase as a result of workspace operators’ capacity to innovate, rethink, and disrupt traditional office models to build solutions that would make future workspaces flexible, affordable, distinctive, and accessible to a broad population.

Lite Office Space helps in Expanding your Business across India

As companies increasingly incorporate hybrid work model within their operational strategies; demand for services offered by co-working firms has surged big time. According to coworking companies that specialize in managing flexible workspaces, the IT, and BFSI (banking, financial services, and insurance) sectors, are driving much of the growth.

The immediate impact of the epidemic was mostly driven by a shutdown of commercial activities due to the global lockdown. Head counts were slashed as companies went into business continuity planning mode, and the barriers between work and home blurred. During the lockdown, several influential organisations fully curtailed their onsite business operations and concurrently implemented regulations that allowed employees to maximise productivity through work from home (WFH) setups.

Corporates are increasingly trying to build a scattered work model in which four to five Lite office spaces are set up inside a specific city, in contrast to the past when huge firms normally had one consolidated office in a certain area. Such a methodology aids in gaining access to talent and supporting business continuity in the event of lockdowns that are primarily localised.

During this time, a new phrase – social distancing – entered our cultural vernacular. As a result, maintaining a six-foot spacing across all physical places, has become mandatory, forcing businesses to revaluate seating, design, and operations. Furthermore, numerous businesses implemented creative work plans and shifted to redesigned work schedules by instituting fostered working days. This fresh conviction in a company model like MyBranch, where we are regarded as a long-term strategic growth partner to complement their restoration and growth. MyBranch is an office space solutions with presence over 51 Cities & 56 Locations. MyBranch gives you the opportunity to have your office in location where you need your customer to reach you. This is been fuelled by the widespread embrace of ‘flexibility’ and small office spaces. Moreover, as many of these businesses tighten their belt and revaluate their fixed asset investments to cut expenses, flex spaces will play a significant role in cost reduction and financial stability.

Surprisingly, majority of India’s coworking spaces are spread across the globe. With entrepreneurs starting new businesses every day, demand for coworking spaces is anticipated to outstrip availability. This pattern is likely to persist. The changes due to the pandemic have sparked demands for asset-light strategies that enable adaptability.

Companies are signing up for co-working spaces because they don’t want to deal with the headache hassle of having many offices. Choosing Lite office spaces, some of which have centres in Tier 2, 3, and 4 cities, also helps businesses to provide a work environment for employees who have migrated to their hometowns as a result of the pandemic.

Almost all of the workforce from the major cities has returned home, and many of them are unlikely to return to their former work stations now that they have permanent work from home choices. In such a scenario if you’re looking for a Lite office spaces, then MyBranch can come to your rescue. As they are expanding into non-metropolitan areas; the company will launch in 17 additional locations. You can rent a desk for a day, a month or for a year – whatever your need be.

The coworking industry is a viable option as many businesses seek flexibility in their land and building expenditures, rental payments, and employee accessibility to workplace. Coworking companies are preparing to expand in response to rising demand.

You can rent a desk for a day, a week, or a month, depending on your needs. You can also reserve meeting and conference rooms whenever you need them. Contact us at +918451999506 to learn more about how we can meet the needs of both businesses and employees.

Lite Shared Office Space – Modernize the way of working

With the changing times, work culture is one of the areas which has majorly shown the changes towards the betterment. Businesses these days are looking towards hassle free approach for their further expansion. One most effective step towards this change is acceptance towards the concept of Small Coworking office spaces. Earlier setting up of a Lite Office Space came up with extremely huge investment and the maintenance cost. But now accessing such well-equipped office spaces is easily possible. All Thanks to the shared Coworking Spaces.

Freelancers or new Business set ups which requires smaller office space but inclusive of required amenities can opt for Small Shared office space. The Concept of Shared office spaces has reached to every corner of the country. If I wish to operate a business from a remote area, I can search for a small shared office space near me with the best working facilities and help my business grow. This helps a business to save on their capital which can be used for their further expansion.

If a person decides to take an office for rent, they must deal with many extra works related to building up and maintenance of that property. Instead, if they choose any Shared Coworking Space they will receive a lot more than what they would expect out of a workspace that too which comparatively lesser investment. These days Shared workspace have become so Lite, major businesses can be seen benefiting out of them. There are many small coworking offices near me which are totally lite inclusive of a great infrastructure, ambience, facilities, cool work culture around and much more. After the covid times these offices have not only maintained the look and feel, but they are very much responsible in maintaining the hygiene protocols which makes these spaces more safe and friendly for us.

There is a huge acceptance towards the concept of shared workspace because of which you can locate your own mini office space anywhere starting from Tier I to Tier IV cities. Shared workspace has provided a great platform to many new business set ups. Through a completely new work culture around businesses are able to accelerate themselves at extremely new levels. Hence instead of taking up small commercial space for rent, smart business minds are looking towards shared spaces.

The main factor responsible for expansion of shared office spaces at such high levels is that it helps an individual to keep the creativity alive, because of the atmosphere and easy accessibility to every smallest of the work requirement. This in turn is making the businesses come up with out of the box ideas for their sustainability. With the passing of time, Shared workspaces are going to replace the location centric office buildings and focus on the comfort of the employees. This will not only make the workplaces employee centric and help grow the businesses, but it is going to be a great step towards taking control of environmental issues like pollution, which happens due to the daily long-distance commutes of thousands of employees.

MyBranch is one of the Lite Shared Office Spaces, which is playing a key role in modernising the way of working. Fully equipped with larger or smaller office spaces, expanded to almost every corner of the country, this company is surely going to be one of the steppingstones towards the further expansion of not only your business but to the overall concept of shared workspace. So, if you are still looking for a perfect work environment for your business to flourish, this is the right place to start with. Many businesses have utilised their services and are still continuing with the same.

If you wish to make your business a part of modernization, the first step could be replacing the old method of renting out or buying a separate office space and switching to the concept of Shared coworking space. With just one change of step you can definitely make your business stand out and secure a great place compared to other businesses in the market.

Shared Coworking Office Space will help you achieve your business goals

Work from home culture has left employees with their own perks, and on the other hand has also brought them to a point where working from home becomes more of working for home than office! Years back, individual entrepreneurs introduced a culture of working from the coffee house. This seemed to be a great idea, until the stipulated time limit that allows you to take a seat at the coffee house without placing an order seemed kind of odd and more of an embarrassment! Then, individual entrepreneurs and small businesses had to rethink their office space. Given that the volume of business is small, renting an entire office floor doesn’t sum up well on the audit reports, which is why small businesses and start-ups started to adapt to the concept of Shared Office Space. And what is shared office space? Let’s learn it here!

Shared coworking space was introduced at a critical period that changed the way that entrepreneurs operated in business. The concept of coworking spaces was taking it all along, and the introduction of shared coworking spaces added value to its growth. If you are not sure what coworking shared workspaces entail, then to make it simple shared coworking spaces are when a whole bunch of businesses come together to share a larger unit. Although, there is a slight misunderstanding to this part. When you search on the internet for shared office space near me, one thing that you might see commonly is an image of office colleagues gathered around a foosball table, having the time of their lives! Well, that’s not what a shared coworking space is! Rather it is a space rented by business for its operations. Inside the business walls it is a business who decides what would be allowed and what would be not! The growing popularity of MyBranch shared working spaces has attracted fine attraction from entrepreneurs and SME businesses alike.

The concept has brought flexibility and stress-free renting solutions to businesses all across the world. You as a member of the concept can ask for access to almost anything, such as printers, lockers, and obviously the Wi-fi network. There is no limitation to queries resolving, related to operations. A shared cafeteria helps your members to gel up with the growing shared culture and helps your business to open the door to the possibility of newer networking opportunities. Going back to the time where a company had to sign a leasing agreement with the property, which would last for five years! That’s locking yourself in the same office space for a very long time. But with the concept of bringing shared office space into practice, businesses can enjoy the liberty to sign a flexible agreement on their conditions for their chosen period of time. 

With the present economic decline, some enterprises have had to bring down their shutter, while some of them have had to downscale and others have had to work from home. But it isn’t possible for all to work from home! Which is why MNCs adapted to leasing a shared office space on rent to accommodate some of their staff. Shared office space will provide you with a private office or you can also book and schedule your meeting in the conference room or the meeting rooms, And whenever the teams do need to meet. It seems that the attractiveness of short-term rental office spaces has really introduced a new audience to the coworking world. The close-up conscience in and around the shared office space is equivalent to networking, everyone wants to network with others, talk and giggle. Shared office spaces indulge in making an atmosphere that introduces team-spirit in a new way. 

At a coworking shared office space, entrepreneurs are appreciated to get involved in the networking but there is an option for you to work independently. So, how big is a coworking shared workspace really? Mybranch, a shared office space service provider headquartered in Mumbai has over 35 centers all over India, locating their presence in Metropolitan, Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. Teaming up with Mybranch will provide your business with a wide range of service offerings which will not only suit your budget and expenditure, but also provides a newer look to your business address. So, here we have explained everything in regards to what is a shared office space. So, the next time when you are thinking about options to shift your business address think about getting a shared office space on rent.

Coworking Office Space – The modern idea of working culture

The event of COVID-19 pandemic surprisingly changed the scenario of doing business around the world. In the blink of an eye, it was realized by all businesses that employees can work from home and in an efficient way. Not only this, but organizations also realized that to bring employees back to office, they need more than the reason of ‘working together’. In the search of the reasons to help bring back the employees, businesses in India started adapting to the culture of coworking office spaces.

Now, it is important to understand why businesses adapted to renting a coworking workspace? One of the most important reasons why Indian organizations are moving towards renting a coworking space is that – it is more flexible in renting as well as costs way less than a regular lease agreement. In a leasing agreement, businesses have to sign-up for a five-year long commitment (more or less). The terms that come with this commitment is that – the leasing party would not be concerned on any circumstances that arise due to business failure or natural destruction that can bring the business to a standstill. The leasing policy stated that in any event, the business has to pay the rent, or it may be imposed to several charges – which are equal to legitimate actions from legal structures of the society. To run away from these complications, organizations demanded the requirement of such a service which can provide flexible yet durable agreement, which can help them set-up their business and operate through it smoothly. This gave rise to the concept of – Coworking spaces!

Coworking office spaces – define the rule of working together in harmony and sharing space, to reduce cost and bring diversity. How boring can it get for an employee to sit on the same desk, do the same work and stare at the same scene outside the window for five straight years? To help employees feel fresh and excited, it is necessary that they are diverted with constant change. This is not possible when organizations sign-up with leasing terms, but a coworking shared office space can offer this. Shared office spaces – do not command you to sign a commitment. Instead what it offers is your requirement. You need an office space for only ten people for a year. Sure, done! As simple as this. You can anytime take an increment on your commitment or decrease your stay, as per your will.

Getting a shared coworking office space on rent, helps businesses to identify their capabilities. How? You would ask. Let’s understand this by an example.

You own a business and employ five people. Now, there is a sudden raise in your clientele and you hire ten more people to do the job, but on a temporary basis. In this case, if you go to a leasing property, you will have to give out a commitment for at least a year. You know that these projects that you are handling will be delivered in four months. So, leasing a property of fifteen individuals for a year long period will be worthless, since you will not require the space after four months. On the other hand, if you go to a coworking shared office space, you get to choose your period of stay and the space that you require. In this way, you save on spending more money on renting a space and also get out of a commitment. Since you will be working alongside various other businesses, you also have a chance to widen your networking. Thus, making a way for your business to flourish.

MyBranch, one of the companies providing coworking spaces in India, provides good office spaces with classified meeting rooms and conference rooms, around major cities in India. With MyBranch you do not only get a space for your business operations but create a space for your own growth. With a geographical reach in more than 45 cities in India, MyBranch has helped businesses reach close to their customers without disturbing the budget or the convenience. By adapting to the services of MyBranch your business will not have to cater separate bills for separate services, instead, all bills are compiled into one for easier tracking and payments.

How Virtual & Shared Office Spaces are Evolving with New System of Office Space Environment

The operating culture of corporate business entities around the world has taken a sudden change, which is seen to be a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Meeting online has replaced physical meets and discussions, thereby creating a Virtual Office Space corporate structure that is defined by individual spaces and comfort. With the pandemic coming to a standstill, corporations are bringing back the support staff to the office, but there seems to be a misplaced alignment in between the individual space and the corporate desks. This has started generating problems and discomforts, leading to productivity taking a toll. The ‘Work from Home’ culture has significantly impacted the mentality of employees. It restructured working hours and also brought on the table the convenience of dressing as will, seating at ease and taking break as required. In the office, the same has been changed to scheduled break timings, culture-specific dressing and seating in a measured space. So, in order to break the chain of discomfort continuing, corporations are brainstorming to bring several measures to help employees feel at home and get their enthusiasm back on track. But what is the way to do so?

One of the ways through which employee enthusiasm can be brought back to the table is – the hybrid working culture. A hybrid working environment defines working in a mix of ‘Work from Home’ and ‘Work from Office’ environments. The working days are distributed equally to manage a balanced working environment. In this way employees can get a charted plan for the week or month, thus assisting them to plan their priorities accordingly.  But there is a twist that comes with setting up a hybrid environment. Let’s talk in terms of money. Suppose you are an organization having an employee strength of five thousand individuals. In this case, you decide to follow a hybrid structure of working wherein you will alternatively call employees to the office. Considering that you have an employee strength of five thousand individuals you are sure to rent a space that is big enough to occupy this number of people. But, what if only half a part of this number will occupy the desks? In this case, you as an organization are spending money for the rest half that is still working from home. This is where the idea of coworking managed office spaces comes into picture and Coworking Space – The modern idea of working culture.

What are shared office spaces? Shared office spaces is a concept derived out of the need of customizing spatial requirements of organizations and business enterprises. In technical terms, it is a larger space divided into several parts according to the requirement. This space is utilized by more than two companies at a time. This space provides companies with several complimentary services such as – common waiting area, common reception, meeting rooms, conference rooms and other things. Now, the idea behind developing a concept like this was to bring flexibility in terms of agreement and requirement.

MyBranch, based in Mumbai, is one of the fastest growing companies in India which provides coworking spaces and allied services such as virtual office spaces and managed office space to smaller, medium and large enterprises. Subscribing to the services of such companies will provide you an upper hand in terms of deciding what space you would require for what number of people. In addition to this, extra materialistic requirements such as an additional desk or an additional port for electric supply is also provided, given it comes with certain terms and conditions. By getting these services, your organization can save the extra expenses by nearly 15%, which can be drifted in different ventures or employee benefit programs. Getting a coworking space on rent will not disturb the working conditions, but encourages creative utilization of the space. Presently, one of the biggest challenges that businesses come forth with is the need for space that reflects their working culture and that assists employees operate optimally. By adapting to a coworking agreement, organizations can get customized designs that are in line with their business standard, tonality and personality. With dedicated support staff to assist the companies at every stage of inconvenience, coworking becomes an integral part of the changing office scenario.

This is why, it is necessary for businesses to adapt to the functionality of a newer working system – that is to the idea of getting a coworking business space, and offer its employees a comfort that will encourage their enthusiasm to return to office and feel like home!

How Sales Office Space by MyBranch will increase Sales Productivity of the companies

For companies looking forward to expanding their sales network its crucial to have their sales teams located at places from where they can make more contacts. Being able to make more contacts means getting more leads and thus making more sales. In today’s day and time, however, creating a strong sales network requires much more than that.

To create great sales networks, the sales team should be in a position to have access to a dense network of potential customers, identify prospects, gain buy-in from potential customers, create solutions, and finally close the deal. Keeping all this in consideration MyBranch offers sales office on rent in India to organizations which want to grow in tier II and tier III cities of India.

The strategic location of our sales offices in the central part of the cities helps companies save money, gives its sales team access to the right information, and helps them build and maintain the right webs of contacts. Our fully furnished co-working space in India is equipped with infrastructure and support staff to increase your sales productivity. Our vast network of sales offices provides a strategic boost to business expansion plans of organisations in terms of cost and increased speed of execution with zero cost towards office management. All our offices are compliant with Shops & Establishment Act. This allows insurance companies, NBFCs, banks, and mutual fund companies to operate out of our network of local sales offices. Our professionally serviced offices are managed with a vision to help sales teams close great deals.

MyBranch eliminates all hassles and costs related to property scouting, leasing, compliance, office furnishing, set-up, maintenance, and support staffing to give you your sales office in your preferred city. Dedicated Cabins for RSM and ASM, a storage unit for marketing collaterals, zones for sales call make MyBranch a preferred choice for many established organisations to rent shared office Space in India.

All our offices are designed to improve collaboration and enhance the productivity of your local sales teams.

Why should you conduct Interviews in Meeting Rooms in India?

Interviewing candidates for hiring is a serious task as competition for talent is becoming tougher each day and getting the right person for the right job can result in your company become more productive, successful, and profitable.

In India, renting a pleasant, professional meeting room to conduct interviews in an easy to reach location will show every interviewee that you are not going to compromise on anything in selecting the perfect candidate for the position.

Reasons to rent Meeting Rooms in India

There are ample of reasons you will want to rent an interview room for churning out great employees-

  • Meeting Rooms are ready-to-work fully furnished rooms
  • Meeting rooms give you the opportunity to conduct interviews in the locations where you are not present and help you show your business in the best light by interviewing in a professional space.
  • With meeting rooms, there is no need to create a separate place for interviews.
  • With meeting rooms, interviews can be conducted in easily accessible places and help you to generate more walk-ins.
  • In professionally managed meeting rooms, you won’t be constantly interrupted by distractions or noise.
  • For established businesses that are hiring for crucial positions, it becomes easy to keep the hiring process discreet from other employees in the company by conducting interviews in meeting rooms on a rental basis.
  • You can meet at convenient locations near your candidate.
  • You can easily reserve rooms online at affordable rates.

Contact MyBranch for Meeting on Rental Basis

If you have some important meetings or interviews to conduct, don’t hesitate to reserve an interview room through MyBranch. Our thoroughly professional and experienced staff will help you find the proper space in the perfect location.

Contact us today.

How to get your Customised Office in your Preferred Location with Facility Management Service

Finding the most suitable shared office space is a time consuming and an excruciating task. And it doesn’t end there. Designing the office as per the business needs and meeting all compliance requirements also need effort. Co-working spaces that offer end-to-end managed services (tailor-made to suit business desires and needs) is an answer to all the workspace woes. It is an ideal arrangement for start-ups, SMEs, and large corporates as well.

Shared branch office managed services take care of location hunting, due diligence, interior designing, pantry service, seat management, housekeeping, workspace customization, facility management, and every other little thing so that businesses can focus on their core functions. Managed services also include customization of workplace the way organizations want it thus helping them focus on growing their business while leaving all the workspace worries to the managed services providers.

How did it work?

Pick your location- Choose a location where you want to start your business from or desire to expand your existing business. You need to prefer locations that have a promising infrastructure, are strategically important, have the potential to grow in the future and will keep you well connected with other cities also. Managed Services will ensure that all the government approvals are met, freeing you from all the avoidable hassles.

Customise- Once you zero in on the location/s and your exact office requirement, you can share your vision/design ideas with the interior designers and get your own customised office space. Be it compliance aspect of the property, documentation, architecture, furniture, wall colours, lights or interior design, electronic equipment, everything can be tailor-made to fulfill your vision and suit your individual requirements with managed services.

Move-in- After your customised office space has been set up as per your wish, with all the major and minor details taken care of, you will be ready to move in.

Facility Management Services – Once you move in you will get personnel to manage the Branch and keep it functional. Managed Services take care of all these aspects.

Managed services come with many more benefits too. Few of which are pocket-friendly prices, prestigious addresses, fast turnaround time, easy expansion, fully services offices, 24×7 support, bundled packages, reliable IT & technical support, etc.

Getting THE RIGHT SHARED OFFICE IN RAJKOT Is Crucial To Your Business. Learn Why!

Rajkot (considered as the capital of Saurashtra region of Gujarat) is one of the best business destinations in the state of Gujarat. In the recent past Rajkot has shown great potential to grow thus attracting many businesses. In addition, the city has an excellent infrastructure and is very well connected with major cities of India. If you too are looking to expand your business in Gujarat, here is why you should choose Rajkot as your next destination-

Better incentives and perks– The economic environment of Rajkot can make a big difference in the success of a new startup as well as established businesses when they try to launch a new product or expand their business. Industrial sector in Rajkot has consistently shown a lot of progress since the 1960s and has been associated with heavy engineering industries for a long time. Good connectivity with other urban centres in Gujarat also makes Rajkot an ideal place to do business.

Fresh ground for development– By being present in developing cities entrepreneurs naturally become part of the fabric of their growth story. Being located in a smaller cities like Rajkot gives you the opportunity to be a pioneer in the area of development, which can help you develop closer partnerships with local business owners and remain at the forefront of all business developments.

Little to no commute- Having an office in smaller cities are a win-win for both the employer and the employee. Cities like Rajkot have a commute time that’s almost non-existent, numerous housing options and lower cost of living in comparison to metro-cities makes small cities an ideal choice for business expansion.

Higher talent retention rates– Businesses find advantage in big cities like Mumbai due to their growing population. Huge population creates ample consumer demand and great opportunities for young people giving way to inordinate amount of young talents too. The downside of this situation is there also exists the risk that talents will be poached by a bigger players in the market. In small cities it easier to retain talent because there aren’t as many big MNCs present there. The better quality of life in smaller Indian cities also helps in retaining talent.

Low labour costs- With government initiatives like smart city plan and relatively lower labour costs in Tier II and Tier III Indian cities the future prospects of look bright. Many surveys suggest that it’s the small towns that will write the new success stories in the future. Businesses cannot afford to miss these opportunities.

Office space at great costs- You can have an office for rent in Rajkot at great costs. Fully furnished, Ready-To-Move offices are easily available in Rajkot which makes cost of running a business there quite low. Not availing such offers will be a lost opportunity.

If you are looking for Office Space for Rent in Rajkot, then MyBranch is the place to be. Get in touch with us with your ‘Coworking Space in Rajkot requirements and we will get back to you with the best available options.